Public Domain Architecten (PDA), in consortium have delivers an unique design with detailed feasibility study for a floating port on the seashore of Chittagong, at the outer anchorage area (Bay of Bengal) in Chittagong Port for the Chittagong Port Authority (CPA). RRR-Advice have worked in the team of PDA on the sustainable energy supplement of the island and backup systems. Also RRR-advice have worked in the team of PDA on the technical design and business case of the island.

The floating terminal near Chittagong would be used as a transhipment point where containers from feeder vessels will be offloaded to small container ships to reach inland container terminals (ICTs) near Dhaka, which would help ease the regular congestion at Chittagong, Chittagong handled 2.3 million TEU last year, well above its designed capacity of 1.6 million TEU. Statistics show that nearly 70 per cent of containers to and from the Chittagong port are destined for or originate from the capital city of Dhaka and the loads are mostly carried by road. Because of the tidal and low depth transhipment is needed.

Dhaka-based shippers will be able to avoid congestion on highways and in Chittagong port if they use river routes to the harbour for carrying containers. Both time and cost will also be saved. Vessels from Dhaka and ICTs throughout the country can bring their cargo to the floating harbour for loading onto vessels bound for Singapore or Colombo. Government data show that nearly 70 percent of containers at the Chittagong port originate from, or are destined for, Dhaka, of which only 17 percent are being transported by river or rail. The remaining 83 percent move by truck.

The floating Chittagong sea terminal will include all necessary facilities for the automated handling and transhipment of 1 million TEU per year. And because of its modular design, the harbour can be further extended in an easy and fast way, for example to also handle bulk goods. The new port will be constructed with tried-and-tested technologies. This includes the modular, floating components, the automated container handling, and the advanced security technology. The floating infrastructure will be delivered up-and-running, ready for immediate operation. More info: