Unveiling the Vision: The Gateway to Central Africa

Unveiling the Vision: The Gateway to Central Africa

In the bustling city of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), history was in the making on the 24th of March 2014. A consortium of visionary minds, including Ruud Dessing, Antal de Bruijn, Annemarie van Langevelde, Roel de Jong, Alfonso Muimba, and Rob de...
Revitalizing MIBA: A Story of Resilience and Renewal

Revitalizing MIBA: A Story of Resilience and Renewal

By Ing. Rob de Bruijn, In a landmark move poised to redefine the industrial landscape of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, MIBA (formerly La Societé minière de Bakwanga ) announces ambitious plans for the revitalization of its diamond mining operations in...
The Gateway to Central Africa

The Gateway to Central Africa

Being a ‘gateway’ to Africa is, for the DRC is a highly relevant feature of DRC and Africa’s economy. A closer look at economic interaction with all the ground reserves of the DRC with its neighbouring countries globally is done by MCO, later SNAF holding. In the DRC...