In the bustling city of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), history was in the making on the 24th of March 2014. A consortium of visionary minds, including Ruud Dessing, Antal de Bruijn, Annemarie van Langevelde, Roel de Jong, Alfonso Muimba, and Rob de Bruijn, gathered to illuminate a path toward a brighter future for the region. We formed R4, driven by a shared belief in collaboration, sustainability, and progress.


At the heart of our vision lay the principles of cooperation, quality, and sustainability. With over 50 years of collective experience, our consortium aimed to leverage our expertise to catalyze positive change in the DRC and beyond.

Unveiling the Vision: The Gateway to Central Africa

Martini Offshore, now CMNW with its team of seasoned professionals, is poised to lead the management, financing, and execution of large-scale projects worldwide. The Democratic Republic of Congo’s potential is undeniable, boasting abundant natural resources from freshwater to minerals, offering a pathway to immense economic and social development. Our vision for the future entails a stable and well-connected DRC, characterized by efficient shipping, robust infrastructure, and sustainable industrial growth. Through initiatives like the proposed transformative channel project between Kinshasa and Matadi, we aim to slash transportation costs and stimulate trade, while envisioning Banana as the main port of Africa, promising unparalleled accessibility and boundless growth opportunities. With strategic investments, the Congo River could evolve into a bustling hub of economic activity, while investments in roads, bridges, and rail infrastructure are vital for enhancing connectivity and unlocking new economic frontiers. Additionally, water management emerges as crucial for transportation, energy, agriculture, and commerce, underscoring the importance of efficient construction techniques. By integrating various modalities and investing in education and infrastructure, the DRC has the potential to emerge as a regional powerhouse, attracting investment and fostering growth.

A Sustainable Country:

At the heart of our vision lies sustainability, emphasizing the retention of profits within the DRC, knowledge transfer, and local participation. The DCBFMO Philosophy, encompassing design, construction, finance, maintenance, and operation, underscores our dedication to holistic development and sustainability. Looking forward, the DRC is poised to evolve into a product supplier, a global leader in hydrogen production, and a thriving green economy.

Unveiling the Vision: The Gateway to Central Africa


The realization of our vision hinged on the government’s commitment to stability, safety, and cooperation. With the right support and investment, the DRC could chart a course toward prosperity, becoming a beacon of progress in Central Africa.

In summary, the vision unveiled by R4 offered a roadmap for transformative change, laying the foundation for a brighter future for the Democratic Republic of Congo and its people.